bonus round

Some stuff I love that didn’t make the front-page cut or just didn’t get made.

Files of Passion: a Turbonovela

No matter how dramatic your year has been, TurboTax has seen it all. Trailer for a TurboTax concept we pitched, starring my best attempt at a dramatic soap opera VO.

Drew Barrymore Show
Oscar Mayer

In a TV stunt with Oscar Mayer, I got to write a birthday card for Drew freakin’ Barrymore. You can’t see the inside on camera, but it reads…

“Hope you relish every bun-derful moment. Franks for being our #1 fan. Love, Oscar Mayer”

“Glory Days Start with ZzzQuil Nights” Vinyl

Bit of pitch theater we created for ZzzQuil. We wanted Gen X to have the same hit-the-pillow deep sleep they had as teens, so we created the ultimate acoustic throwback album that would rock them to sleep.

The Kama Spoontra

How do you make the Kahlua Affogato Espresso Martini the go-to Valentine’s Day cocktail? Simple. You make an entire gallery of creative ways to spoon (ice cream, that is).